Family Friendly Event



Bike Ride   

Mark Your Calendars

Welcome, Riders!

The Chisholm Trail Bike ride supports a joint venture of Air Capital AMBUCS, the Healthy Harvey Coalition and Walk & Roll Harvey. Proceeds from the ride help supply therapeutic trikes for kids and adults and cycling safety equipment for kids, and supports cycling safety education.

Funds have also been used to purchase “3 foot safety distance” signs that are posted on Harvey County roads and to support North Newton’s Master Bicycle Plan.

The Chisholm Trail Bike Ride is a family-friendly event with a choice of 32-, 46-, and 56-mile routes, all of which join the Sand Creek Trail at 12th Street and follow it to the Start/Finish line at Athletic Park.

There is also a short out & back—riders can go as far as they want—on the Sand Creek Trail, which is approximately
3 miles long.

We hope you will frequent this site and follow us on Facebook, and join with others participating in the Chisholm Trail Bike Ride. By doing so, you can both enjoy the sport you love and help promote wellness and safety within our community.

Thank you for your support and ride safe!

Safety First

Promoting Safe Cycling in Our Communities

what They’re Saying


We hosted a Glow Ride, where families lit their bikes with glow sticks and rode a 3-mile loop around Sedgwick. We spent about $400 on four new bikes, which were raffled prior to the ride. The remainder of funds were used to purchase bike helmets and accessories which were distributed during a bike rodeo at the Sedgwick Fall Festival.

Rebekah Morse, Sedgwick

Riding a bicycle, itself, is a worthwhile effort. To ride properly and safely benefits one’s mind and body. The Chisholm Trail Bike Ride adds more benefit beyond what I mentioned. For one, it adds camaraderie. Usually I ride with some friends, but even when that is not possible, I find many persons ready to talk about cycling or any other topic. Second, and most important, it benefits others by raising funds to help those who may be less fortunate.

Tom Adrian

In addition to therapeutic trikes and the “3 Feet” signs you’ll see on Harvey County roads, the
Chisholm Trail Bike Ride has supported efforts by Walk&Roll Harvey to improve conditions in other
ways for cyclists and pedestrians in Harvey County. The day-of visibility and other publicity generated by this event help to keep our agenda in the public eye. It also allows us a chance to show off a bit  – while here, please make time to ride our Sand Creek Trails (the east bank trail goes up into North Newton) and visit any of our sponsors. We’re glad to have you here.

Dana Shifflett

Chairman, Walk&Roll Harvey